Professional Series Part 4 - Being the EXAMPLE
Dec 27, 2022People in this industry avoid real sensitive topics. But we’re not afraid to touch those.
This is Part 4 of the series where we talk about what it means to be a professional restorer.
If it’s your first time reading this blog or listening to our podcast, you can always visit our previous blog posts and podcast episodes and catch up before we start Season 3 at Jan 27th 2023.
Here are also the links below to the podcast episodes for the three parts that we have already discussed:
S2:E19 Professional Series Part 1 - Technically Qualified
S2:EP20 Professional Series Part 2 - Leadership & Culture
S2:EP21 Professional Series Part 3 - Being Structured
You can also check out this week's episode of Disaster Podcaster:
S2:E22 Professional Series Part 4 - Being the EXAMPLE
When we talk about what makes a professional restorer or professional specialist in any field or trade, it could probably take 47 or more blogs to get everything covered. But for those who want to get into this industry we want to help them know how to stand out and be different. We create these 4 episodes of professional series to make it possible.
In this particular discussion, let’s dive into the details about being the EXAMPLE.
In the business world, you always have a lot of eyes on you. You have your employees, customers, and many people in your industry and the public.
However, if you don't act it out or if you don't follow it up with actions consistently even when no one's watching, then you won't be considered as one.
Throughout this series, we received a lot of comments from many people and I've invited additional contributions to what makes someone a professional.
I don't think I've focused on it enough but EMPATHY is something that a lot of people said who have contacted us. You need to be an empathetic person. You have to put the customer first, even before MONEY in this industry. But it has to be kept in check.
Sometimes, we just need reminders to make sure we're contributing in the way that we should be and that we think we are. But, sometimes we get lost in the fight or fall short of the results that we’re expecting to get.
And I really can't express enough that when you're the EXAMPLE, when you're the PROFESSIONAL, or when you're the LEADER.
It's about what you're doing for everybody else, and everyone is watching.
I think how you move forward and your business is all about how others around you professionally and personally propel and build you up and make new collaborations.
So I want to go into details with that as we finish this season.
I want to talk about the impacts and opportunities.
If you are indeed the leader of the company, then you are an example to your staff.
There's no position in your company where someone else isn't watching what you're doing.
If you are a first-month tech, there might be veteran technicians that are watching you. You may have come from an entirely different field or profession.
But what knowledge you possess and skills you master to help an organization you can work for might be the difference maker in changing that company. So you're always being watched.
You really have to make sure that in everything you do, your employees are PROUD to work for your company and be ambassadors for your brand. Otherwise, you're going to see a lot of problems that may occur in the future.
Now, let’s get into those employees who REFER their FAMILY and FRIENDS.
Whether you like it or not, along the way, you need to know who are those people that would refer someone to you.
If you ask your whole team, they might all tell you that. But you need to build a healthy and professional relationship with them that will make them tell you with all honesty.
Lastly, your employees want to CONTRIBUTE.
Employees who love what they do, believe in your company, and follow an example are actually wanting to know what else they can do to make that better.
They see you or they see others leaning in, contributing, getting wins, feeling better about everything, and getting promoted.
So you need to be an example.
That’s why you have to find people who are tuned in and figure out how to achieve excellent results. Since people have their own spot to leverage their strengths and transform their weaknesses to their advantage, then figure out where they belong on the team.
They don't have to agree with what you do. But they don't need to work for your company if they don't believe it. They’ll just end up not doing their best to get great results.
Next, your clients need to see the example.
You have to wow your customers. You need to have authentic processes in your workflow that exceed expectations. You have to design that very carefully. That's not one little thing. It's a whole series of a lot of things, and it should be consistent. Customers need you to make a promise that solves their problem. So you need to wow them.
The second thing is to layer the experiences.
You need to ensure that everyone, from bottom to top and top to bottom, and all throughout, wow your customer and layers experiences. From the first time you meet them, until the fifth to the eleventh day, you need to layer that up. You need to be doing what you say you're going to do. Layer that experience and just keep going with it.
Not everyone is doing this. So if you are consistent with it, you're going to stand apart. Next, if you're doing all of these and your clients are wowed and they feel like you're being authentic with the experience and you layer them up, ask them for REFERRALS.
A customer who sees you as a true professional, truly standing out vastly from everybody else in the market consistently, and you always put them first, never put them in any bad position, then they will be a cheerleader for you.
They will even look for more opportunities to recommend you.
The community is your future customers.
These are people who you’re sharing space with, in your area, in your region, trying to contribute to the wellness of your market.
As a restoration disaster company that acts as a service to the community, you're not selling them any products. You actually have a service that provides value, helps them thrive and survive, maintains the value of their property, and keeps them safe and healthy.
So your community needs to know that. Hence, you need to make sure that everyone on your team knows that the community is watching.
Besides that, you need to have a community that actually points you out as an example of what you do. Check out that company. That's somebody we all would like to be about.
When you look at a professional restoration company. Lets say (for the sake of the conversation) they do fire, water, mold, and bio reconstruction, and they are so clear on what they do.
Everywhere you look, they maintain a particular image that the community recognizes.
That's the brand.
Your brand is how you present yourself all the time consistently and your community should be watching for that.
Then, the last one is you must have new leads.
Your community and their vision of watching you can play a big part in allocating a lot of your marketing energy to building a team.
It always feels great to get new leads. But you must always be putting the best people on the field and get the help you all need when getting those leads.
So when you’re looking for professionals and you're going to pay a great wage for a great job, a whole village needs to know about that. Hence, if they do, they already see that you have a great place to work.
They already know how professional you are. So your community should be funneling people to you.
Next, I have always said that a professional company should be an example in your industry.
A lot of people are trying to build a company. I get that. There's only a small amount of time to do that, as well as live life, be a parent, or fulfill the passion that makes you happy.
I think running a really good company, improving the way that you run it, and improving the people who work for you will allow you as the leader to fulfill an obligation to take a portion of your time and give back to the industry that gives to you.
We can't just be takers. So if you want to start participating in more industry-driven events, maybe you want to be on a standards committee, maybe you want to speak at conferences, maybe you just want to even attend conferences, and you want to help in a committee as a volunteer.
Let me tell you this. Anything you do should have reciprocal results. If you're giving time in, then you should be getting something out.
So participating in industry events should be an education for you, as well.
You might be surrounded by a lot of people who think completely differently and who are great at things that you may not be good at.
In this industry, get in there and educate and learn to educate others, then learn what you can. So you're giving back but you're getting something in return.
When you start participating in industry-wide events, it opens up collaborations. It opens up opportunities to meet other people who might just need help on larger jobs, on new initiatives, or whatnot.
Do you know what the opportunity would be there?
Do you know what the collaboration of doing that looks like to the public?
These are the people I want to work for. These are people taking time out of their schedule, telling us about how great it is, and being proud of what they do.
They may be asking if we would like the opportunity to come and make a really great living and build a great future themselves.
That's a collaboration. I think collaboration is what a lot of people are missing.
Then, the last thing is:
Growth Opportunities.
Your company can grow.
You get into the industry and you do contents. But most restoration contractors in your region don't do contents. Now you have growth opportunities. You can do the content for a lot of the local companies that don't have it.
You're now helping out with that service that others don't have. You’re helping your industry and your community locally by doing great work and having a growth opportunity.
These are all things that wouldn't have come about if you don't open yourself up to the industry. They will not come about if you don't portray yourself as a professional.
No one really wants to work with someone who's not a professional.
The last is yourself.
Be an example to yourself.
If every day you wake up, and you know you're doing good work, even if it doesn't make you money, you're going to have a realization of a dream.
You have a dream and you need to make that dream apparent to everyone. And everything you do is striving towards that.
It could be a goal for your business, for your personal life, or your community or industry.
Being a professional means having a dream. A dream-driven person is someone that most people want to be around.
People don't want to be around people who don't have dreams and goals.
Now, let’s talk about inspiration for more vision.
When you are inspired, when you are being a great example, you're stacking your wins, and you are so proud of yourself, then it opens up more vision.
Keep in mind that opportunities and new visions come about from collaborating with your community, which is your industry, your employees, and your clients.
Be an example for yourself and for your company because one day you may want to set your company up for sale.
Please know that people are going to look at a company that is run professionally by professionals.
If you don't have a professional business and if you haven't proven your worth in character, then it's going to have a big effect on the reputation of your brand or company.
You always need to be an example to yourself.
You have to be a self-professional.
You should hold yourself to that standard all the time.
Always do what’s right, even if it's hard, even if it doesn't pay you, and even if no one's watching you.
Build something so great that you can build a business, people want to work for you, clients want to give you work, and the community wants to collaborate with you, then you can grow a company that will pay you a check or a distribution so that you can do other things, whether a profit or a nonprofit.
If you love to do something, you don't need to be paid for it. But you do need money to thrive and survive. So you need to have this professional character that can develop a company so you can separate the two.
Always remember this.
Just be the EXAMPLE!
Be someone who always wants to contribute to making things even better, willing to take someone's call, and willing to open up your business for a few days for another person to come in. That's being a professional!
That is a person who will attract a lot of opportunities long before you even know it.
Reach out to us at www.restorationadvisers.com and let’s take the industry and your company back.
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