Season 3
Disaster Podcaster | S3: E13 Disaster After the Disaster with Chris Jeter
We may come rushing in to start recovery, but sometimes....we can cause a disaster of our own. Today, we have a Chris Jeter with Servicemaster of Abeline and Midland Texas to share some fun and extremely embarrassing...
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Disaster Podcaster | S3:E12 Tech (apps) Overwhelm for Restorers
Disaster Recovery can be a very difficult industry. Not only is the physical work hard, but maneuvering through the waters with all the other complex issues. One that I would like to focus on today is the ever-growing...
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Disaster Podcaster | S3 E11: Dealing with TPA's like a BOSS
How about a little fun. First I want to share a little recorded video call with a client partner named Russ that now cherishes the days where he either doesn't deal with carriers or TPA's or at least shuts them down...
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Disaster Podcaster | S3 E10: Exciting New Digital Marketing with Jon Grubb
Tune in to a great session where Jon Grubb with United Restorers and I talked about Digital Marketing and specifically about their new service, GeoFencing. If you want to dominate your market with technology today,...
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Disaster Podcaster | S3:E9 Client Onboarding with Jon Grubb-United Restorers
My good friend (and twin brother), Jon, reached out asking me to be on his show to give more details on some of the new things we have launched. Easiest place to find these are at: https://www.restorationadvisers.com/...
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Disaster Podcaster | S3 E8: Tips for Growing a Strong Restoration Company in 2023
Growing a strong restoration and disaster recovery company can certainly be a continuous challenge and make growth and consistent improvement difficult. Today Klark takes 3 areas where he sees that many people get...
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Disaster Podcaster | S3:E7 The Hidden Education in Restoration
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Disaster Podcaster | S3: E6 Answering YOUR Restoration Questions - YouTube Live
Thank you to everyone who showed up for the YouTube Live! We love hitting topics we know YOU want! Keep your eye out for future lives so Klark can answer your questions! Be sure to check out seasons 1&2 to get...
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Disaster Podcaster | S3:E5 Unsocial Media
Continuing this week's topic from our blog, Klark talks about unsocial media, and the harm it does in the Restoration industry. From misinformation, to not letting others ask questions, social media has proven to be...
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Disaster Podcaster | S3:E4 The ACDC Model
Being a music fan is a no brainer, you cant go wrong with ACDC one of the most popular and best bands out there, however this discussion is more about the ACDC Model. Let's discuss a micro lesson written by Mike...
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Disaster Podcaster | S3:E3 Find Fun in Business
This week I hit a couple of topics solo, like trying to enjoy what you can in business, helping our communities, and even touching on the tough topic of struggling with growing or even keeping your business up and...
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Disaster Podcaster | S3:EP2 Got the Chance to Interview Danny Strong
This week we got the chance to have an interview with Danny Strong, with 20 years of experience in restoration and more to come, we open up by learning about his beginnings and then digging into some of the struggles...
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