Putting your dreams on paper
Dec 28, 2021This is Part 2 of a series taken from the our new E-Course "show notes"
45 Days to build a STRONG restoration company.
Planning: Identifying your business goals?
From the desk of Sir Klark Brown.
Our big 2022 goal is in this blog. You don’t want to miss it… we don’t want you to. We need your help to accomplish our BHAG (BIG, HAIRY, AUDACIOUS GOAL)
You decided to start a mitigation company. Based on your experience and exposure you may have some lofty goals.
Goals of money… Hopefully an emphasis on profit.
Ideas of free nights and weekends.
It is possible you feel like this recession proof business will provide endless quality leads.
These are valuable in building your company.
Let’s bring things back to reality and set short term and long term goals

In the world of setting goals, this sentiment is shared by many without being discussed as it should:
The crash of overwhelming failure felt when unrealized dreams continue to elude us, often creating new self limiting beliefs.
These my friends, will literally paralyze you.
This is where I like to see people sit down and spend some time writing down what their dreams look like in 1-3-5 years. I am not a huge follower of the 10 year plan anymore. The world has changed and I think the ever changing technology shift has caused that to be vastly unpredictable and not actionable.
You may wholly disagree and that is 100% fine.
Setting goals can be very rewarding as well as creating achievable wins. And believe me...wins mean a lot when starting out.
Take a few moments. Write down some goals.
Use these as a guide. But don’t limit yourself to these.
Be very specific. Put numbers. Quantify the goals in a very tangible way.
- Revenue
- employee number
- Fleet size
- Online reviews
- Locations
- Referral partners
- Equipment count
- Annual personal income
- Profit in savings
- Gifts to others (family, friends)
These are literally only a few. Have fun with it and write them.
Doing this now will result in a guide as you roll through your first few months and years.
You may smash them and realize your undervalued abilities.
I am rooting for you.
Also realize goals are adjustable. They can increase, but I would truly recommend never moving them backwards. Instead create systems where you are closely monitoring the things that matter most as they pertain to your goals.
Here at Restoration Advisers, we work with many small to medium growing restoration companies that are adopting a system called EOS (it stands for Entrepreneurial Operating System) and working to modify it into a system specifically for restoration professionals. We are going to call it R[OS] - Restoration Operating System.
The book Traction by Gino Wickman explains it very thoroughly. You can find the book here: In our Book Vault.
Having an almost autopilot approach to your goals and how you actually control them can lead to a strong and sustainable restoration company.
We feel like the entire exercise goes a long way of providing enough reality and forward energy to keep things moving in a steady direction.
We challenge you this week to type or write a list of goals that will contribute to your success and the realization of your dreams. Get a piece of notebook paper and pen. Or open a Google Doc and just start typing what comes to mind.
Plan to use and review them often and ensure your entire team is aware and rowing towards the same place.
Share them with us! We’d love to hear what you are working on!
Leaders and successful company owners form strong habits of recording their goals and monitoring for ways to adjust.
In 2022 Toby and I have personal goals of moving away from Facebook completely. We plan to have a virtual assistant posting content for those that still want some value in their day.
We are so excited to announce that we are launching our own community platform!
This will be an exclusive platform for those who are serious about making their family, company, and community better through sound business practices. It's still being built…. Planned launch in January.
Get on the early subscriber list!!
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