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Whats the biggest mistake you've made as a leader?

entreprenuer leadership restoration small business staffing startup Mar 15, 2022

We polled some great restorers recently about the biggest mistakes they've made as leaders. 

The conversation was interesting. 

The most common response was keeping a bad employee. This is certainly understandable, especially given the current climate surrounding staffing. 

The second most common response was trusting your gut. Keeping a bad employee could certainly be part of trusting your gut, and if it were, then this would overwhelmingly be the leader. 

There is a great book on this subject. Its called "Blink: The power of thinking without thinking" by Malcolm Gladwell. Check it out in our Book Vault. 

We are human. 
We screw up. Some days it feels like we screw up a lot more than others
Most of us learn, and move on. 

But we all have that screw up that we may tell others later by starting the story with "there was this one time". 

We'd love to hear your story. 

Join Restoration Business Academy to share your story!


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