8 Employee Behavior Types
Feb 12, 2024People are strange.
People are amazing and wonderful, yet, let's be honest we would be lying if we said they were always easy to work with.
I am sure some have better skill in this area, but MANY don’t. We know this is true because more and more people are “quiet quitting” (some not so quiet).
In our experience on this big ball of rock and gases, we have learned about Eight (8) of the most common behavior types.
Browse through this list if you manage humans and see if you can put your staff in one of these categories.
It’s not a “label” but more of a personality and it might help you improve how you work with them and make their life (at work) more enjoyable.
The Attacker:
Always disagrees with the manager and others in the organization
Might try to undermine management or a project
The Comic:
Thinks it is their job to entertain
Good on the team but needs control
Often not trusted with serious matters
The Deserter:
Mentally or physically leaves the team when needed
Stops Contributing in a meaningful way
Not Reliable
Back of the pack
The Limelight Seeker:
Takes undo credit
Seeks attention
Promotes that they are crucial
The Moonlighter:
Treats job often as a secondary income
Seasonally unreliable
Side Hustles
The Not-My-Jobber:
Willing to do little to nothing beyond their job description
Seldom steps up
Found to do the minimum
Training is difficult possibly
Resented by others often
The Bleeding Heart:
Feels they have given their heart to the company
Feels unrewarded
Often little to no life outside of the job
Not a great team player
The Complainer:
Possibly unclear on their role
Not motivated
Possibly wrong seat
Could be the source of culture sour
Dangerous if not corrected- negativity spreads
There of course could be more but thats a good list to start with.
You might ask “where are the POSITIVE People?”. We often find that those don’t need alot of your attention and are self-directed. These should also be the ones you are considering for promotions.
Our FREE resource: 5 Stages of Business System is designed to keep your team aligned regardless of behavior types.
Get to know your team. Save who you can. Remove who you cannot (quick).
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