Xactimate Users
Why use such a great program if you cannot be profitable?
You can....but you need to know a few things they do not tell you!

In this step-by-step mini-course you'll learn:
The Truth about the Pricing System
Xactimate has provided an incredible software and platform to help contractors better assemble and provide estimates for their specialty work. But a massive misunderstanding on the use of the price data has sunk itself in the industry and created a serious lowering of value plus developing false perceptions. We will pull back the curtain and show you what others are ignoring.
Worksheets and Whitepapers
We will thoroughly explain the intended and legal use of Xactimate as well as provide you with legitimate and published documentation to arm you against under-educated stakeholders. Your business does not deserve to be bankrupt due to misunderstanding.
Action Steps and Advanced
You will be strongly equipped with the knowledge and documentation to present your invoices with confidence and shut down any adjuster or outside entity that attempts to wrongfully interpret the Xactimate structure.

You + This Workshop =
everything you need to get be successful today!
After this short and simple workshop, you will have clear eyes and better understand how the pricing in Xactimate IS NOT intended to be the standard price.
You and your team will be able to assemble estimates with confidence and certainly that it is reflective of your company's profit requirements and goals.
The days of "bill slashing" will be a thing of the past.