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These are so good that insurance carriers want to BAN us. 

How do we get people to do Disaster Recovery?

coaching entreprenuer leadership overhead staffing Sep 27, 2022

Disaster recovery. That's what we do.

Mitigation = prevention

Restoration is a broad term.

We are a very niche specialty more akin to emergency management than construction.

I've said for years...the professionals (technicians) should be a very high caliber. Not sub $20 per hour people.
I think $30 is too low for what they NEED TO BE.

Why do you think we see such a struggle at the hiring at the tech level. No one wants to do all that work plus the documentation for $19 per hour.

Our bill rates should technically be up close to $100 per hour.

But we have allowed an insurance industry dictate our value.

They don't care how a job is performed. If they did, half their vendors would never be allowed in a structure.

They want to pay the least.

Everyone knows but they don't know what to do about it.

An emergency services technician, that doesn't need a supervisor (think medical equipment, AT&T, automobile And other should be making $60,000'plus. That's a good living wage.

For that, a pro would do the job.

Plumbers don't do as much as we need a true tech to do.

That's why owners are still so involved in the field. Because the caliber of people we are often getting are missing the details.

Why won't people be accountable, because they don't make enough.

Could you live off of $40,000?

We have to push and elevate.

What we do is important.

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