EP 24 Billing your clients direct with LIVE CALL IN guests
We took a discussion in one of the industry Facebook groups and unpacked it a little. It was about billing clients (insured) directly, and not negotiating with adjusters and/or carriers.
We spiced things up a little bit and had live call-ins from folks that had some thoughts on the subject. Just like old-school talk shows! We had so much fun!
EP23 was with Kevin @ Kahi.
They have industry-leading equipment tracking with CRM integration and are the gracious sponsor of the Disaster Podcaster. They are also hinting at come releases coming soon along the lines of drying logs, and project reporting. Nothing official, so STAY TUNED!
We introduced some exciting new stuff we are working on for 2022!
Restoration Advisers Book Vault: This is where our library of books is held. We are asked often what book we are reading, or what books we recommend... well... here you have it! https://www.restorationadvisers.com/bookvault
New E-Course launching in Jan 2022!
This one is BIG!
45 days (hint: there will be a lot more than 45 days) to build a STRONG restoration business.
This will be the fundamentals of building and growing a business and will cover all of the pertinent topics from business planning to education and everything in between. This course is for people interested in starting a restoration business or those who have been at it a while and want a refresher. https://www.restorationadvisers.com/45days
Restoration Workshops
We have 4 specific topics that we are going to be addressing individually with groups of up to 20.
- Sales/Marketing - The Power of Who
- Building an SOP Playbook for your business
- Creating your own pricing model
- Client Onboarding - You have permission to stop talking to carriers!
If you want to do more than one, you are welcome to... just check the dates in the description of each one to ensure there are no conflicts.
Also note: we will be repeating these 4 every quarter in 2022. You can do one per quarter if you like.
Restoration NATION - The official online community of Restoration Advisers and Disaster Podcaster We have launched our official online community.
We will be migrating away from Facebook and will be directing our content to this platform. This community is where to infamous Restoration RoundTables will happen from now on. All subscription clients and students will gain automatic access to the community. We have made a space for anyone who wants to join.
Find out more here: https://www.restorationadvisers.com/offers/JnAC8do4
Check out our other resources on our website: www.restorationadvisers.com All of our podcasts can be found at www.disasterpodcaster.com And our sponsor https://kahi.io