You have permission to stop responding to carriers and TPAs.
Sep 28, 2021
Its 2024: carriers and TPA's WILL NOT STOP sending you silly review emails.
Here is the absolute BEST PART.
You don't have to read or even reply to them.
Now, I know many of you like to "fight" and claim there is a satisfaction to "winning". But stealing our time, as industry professionals, to squabble in the mud with these amateurs is not a good use of our time.
Tell your client on day one that they are your most important client during the period of remediation and recon (if you do it). But by no means will you engage with some under prepared desk person that is paid to take money from all parties and give to the carrier. You are above that and your customer will appreciate it.
What if we said we had a free template that you can use to craft communication with your client when a carrier or TPA contacts you without the insured included on the communication? (Hint: WE DO. KEEP READING!)
Your job is to properly perform the services you promised.
That is where it ends.
As long as you provided the industry best practices documentation package, you should have no need of contact with the carrier.
Use this method or one like it and watch your time spent arguing eliminated, your focus on growing the business improved, and them better receivables.
It works. Trust me. They don't teach you that in WRT or ASD.
Click here to get a free tool to help you craft communication when a carrier or TPA reaches out to you and leaves the insured off of the communication!
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