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Restoration Business Scorecard

business coaching overhead Jun 06, 2023

Restoration Business Scorecard

From the desk of Toby Clem.

Running a restoration business can be a challenging and rewarding endeavor. Whether you're dealing with water damage, fire damage, or mold remediation, you need to be on top of your game to deliver high-quality services to your clients. One way to ensure that you're meeting your goals and staying on track is by using a restoration business scorecard.

A restoration business scorecard is a tool that helps you measure and track your performance in key areas of your business. It provides you with a snapshot of how well you're doing, what areas you need to improve, and where you should focus your attention. In this blog, we'll explore why a restoration business scorecard is important, how to structure it, and how to use it every week.


Why is a Restoration Business Scorecard important?

A restoration business scorecard is an essential tool for any restoration business owner or manager. 

Here are some reasons why:

  1. It Helps You Set Goals and Measure Progress

    A restoration business scorecard helps you set realistic goals for your business and measure your progress towards achieving those goals. By tracking your performance over time, you can identify areas where you need to improve and adjust your strategies accordingly.
  2. It Identifies Areas for Improvement

    A restoration business scorecard can help you identify areas where you need to improve. For example, if you're consistently receiving low scores in customer satisfaction, you may need to improve your customer service or communication skills.
  3. It Provides a Framework for Decision-Making

    A restoration business scorecard provides a framework for decision-making. By knowing your business's strengths and weaknesses, you can make informed decisions about where to focus your resources and energy.
  4. It Helps You Stay Accountable

A restoration business scorecard helps you stay accountable to yourself, your team, and your clients. By regularly reviewing your performance, you can identify areas where you're falling short and take action to improve.


How to Structure a Restoration Business Scorecard

Now that you know why a restoration business scorecard is important let's discuss how to structure it. Your scorecard should include key performance indicators (KPIs) that are relevant to your business. Here are some examples of KPIs that you might want to include:

  1. Customer Satisfaction
    Customer satisfaction is a critical KPI for any restoration business. You should track your Net Promoter Score (NPS), which measures how likely your clients are to refer you to others. You should also track your customer satisfaction rate, which measures how satisfied your clients are with your services.
  2. Response Time
    Response time is another critical KPI for restoration businesses. You should track how quickly you respond to client inquiries and how quickly you arrive on-site after a disaster.
  3. Quality of Work
    The quality of your work is essential to your business's success. You should track your completion rate, which measures how many projects you complete on time and within budget. You should also track your return rate, which measures how many clients come back to you for repeat business.
  4. Profitability
    Profitability is a crucial KPI for any business. You should track your revenue, expenses, and profit margins to ensure that you're making a profit and that your business is financially sustainable.


How to Use a Restoration Business Scorecard Every Week

Now that you know how to structure a restoration business scorecard let's discuss how to use it every week. Here are some tips:


  1. Review Your KPIs Every Week
    Set aside time each week to review your KPIs. Look for trends and identify areas where you need to improve. Restoration contractors should review their KPIs every week because it helps them stay on track with their goals and make necessary adjustments to their operations. By regularly reviewing their KPIs, a restoration contractor can identify areas of their business that are performing well and areas that need improvement. They can then take action to address any issues before they become major problems. Reviewing KPIs every week also helps a restoration contractor stay accountable to their clients and team members. It demonstrates a commitment to providing high-quality services and holding themselves to a high standard of performance. This level of accountability can help build trust and confidence with clients and team members.
  2. Celebrate Your Wins
    It is important for restoration contractors to celebrate the wins when reviewing a scorecard because it helps build morale, motivation, and momentum. Celebrating the wins recognizes and reinforces the efforts and achievements of the team, creating a positive culture of success, and promoting a sense of pride and ownership.
    Celebrate the wins by acknowledging and thanking the team for their hard work and dedication. This can be done through public recognition at team meetings, emails, or newsletters. It is also essential to recognize individual contributions and successes to show that each member's contribution is valuable and appreciated.
  3. Identify Areas for Improvement
    Some things to look for when analyzing a scorecard for areas of improvement in a restoration business include: 
    - KPIs that are below target: Look for KPIs that are falling below the target, as this indicates an area of weakness in the business that needs improvement. For example, if the average response time to a job is higher than the target, it may indicate that there are inefficiencies in the dispatch process that need to be addressed.
    - Trends over time: Look at how KPIs are trending over time to identify areas that are improving or declining. For example, if customer satisfaction scores have declined over the past few months, it may indicate that there are issues with the quality of service that need to be addressed.
    - Comparisons to industry benchmarks: Compare your KPIs to industry benchmarks to identify areas where your business is falling behind competitors. For example, if your average job completion time is higher than the industry average, it may indicate that you need to optimize your processes to become more efficient.
    - Root causes of issues: Dig deeper into the data to identify the root causes of issues that are impacting performance. For example, if you find that the average job completion time is higher than the target, it may be due to a lack of training or resources for the team, which can be addressed by providing additional training or hiring more staff.


We use a program called for many of our clients' scorecards. It is an excellent investment in your restoration business. The platform provides a user-friendly interface that allows you to track your KPIs on a scorecard easily and efficiently. With, you can monitor your performance in real-time and identify areas where you need to improve to ensure that you're meeting your business needs.

One of the most significant advantages of is its ability to provide you with insights into your business that you may not have otherwise noticed. The program allows you to see your data in a visual format, making it easier to identify trends and areas for improvement. You can also set goals and track your progress towards achieving them, which can help you stay motivated and focused.

If you're still unsure about whether is the right program for you, we encourage you to take advantage of their free trial offer. With this offer, you can test out the program and see for yourself how it can benefit your business. Don't miss out on this opportunity to improve your restoration business's performance and sign up for your free trial today.


Sign up for a free trial of today and start improving your restoration business's performance.


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