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Restoration Coaching

So You Missed Your Sales Goals

restoration business sales small business Dec 04, 2023

 [from the desk of Klark Brown]


Missing sales goal is the gateway to bigger issues.

We cannot act as though we are a passive business.

Who is responsible for the sales to continue?

Who is accountable

What happens next?


It’s a little too common and easy to let our sales numbers slack off. We “assume” that another call and lead will be along at any moment. That could be true…if you are BUYING leads. That's expensive, custs into your profit and doesn’t really grow your business and brand. You want people and leads to call you because of your reputation, not because they were duped by a landing page designed by someone that has no real clue what you do.

Our potential for profit also has alot to do with complacency. If you are ok with a lead every once in a while, cool. But how do you grow a team that buys you your freedom and independence? You alway have just enough to get by. Thats not why you started this. 

We use a Scorecard in ROStm. A living breathing dataset that brings the MOST important metrics to your eyes, in as close to real time as possible so you can make actual decision, changes or strategies around the results. Not just figure out 90 days after you last big surge that you are slow and that the only money you will make comes in another 45 days. This fact also causes people to chase cash jobs (lower margins) to just get by. There we are again with that “getting by” bs.

You also need to consider an Accountability Chart. Who is responsible for what? Not to place blame, but someone who can focus and dedicate their time on ensuring we have sales and everyone is assured to survive and thrive.

“If no one is accountable, then everyone is accountable”

If you want to “Get By”, get a job where you get a check every other Friday. Or build a machine that cycles through consistently. 

Take control of your sales. Delegate the delivery and work and create the consistency that forces you to hire top players.

Don’t simply let sales drop week after week. That's wreckless and hazardous. There is a better way.

Maybe you are brand new to the industry?  Maybe you have been doing this for a long time and this quarter you just didn't make it.  Contact us if you want to avoid this for ONE MORE QUARTER.  Get access to the specific tool that can fix your issue, I promise this scorecard will change your life.  If you are ready to put a plan in place.. then DEF hit that button. 


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